Saturday 25 February 2012

Time Keeps On Ticking

It really has been too long since I was here... so long, in fact, that I forgot my login name and password!!

I am in College full time and have already made it through one semester and came out with a 4.0 gpa. I'm okay with that :) This semester is going okay, except for the one class that I just can't get in to, mostly due to the monotone teacher. My classmates are amazing, and I'm SOOO supposed to be a part of their group. God's timing, for sure.

My not-ex-yet moved back to Saskatchewan at the end of January. The kids are doing okay, but it's still a change that they must get used to.

Physically, I still need to lose weight, but I have almost completely stopped eating for emotional reasons, so that is a start. My thyroid is still not quite up to par, but we're working on it.

Emotionally, this has been a roller coaster week and I have been working through some stuff from the past, connecting feelings with behaviors and the like. It's a sometimes tough road, but I know it will be worth it in the end.

Mentally, I'm good. Great actually. I am really enjoying all the things I am learning in class and I feel like my brain has doubled in size since I started back to College. I know what I need to do, but for some reason, procrastination still likes to take over. It's a work in progress, for sure.

Spiritually, it's a battle, to be honest. I haven't had a home church for so long now and it is often difficult to even think about the church life I used to have. It was a central part of who I was, and I'm still trying to find my way without it. I haven't been reading my Bible, and my prayers are short and simple. I know that God knows my heart, but I am really not making much effort these days. I want that to change, and I look forward to a new church when I finally move out of here.

There's my holistic check-in for ya! :)

Take care and hope to talk soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Spin,

    Since you looked in on me I thought I'd pop in and see how you are doing. College fulltime and children to look after! Must be hard. But good for you for having the initiative.

    Hope you'll open your Bible once in a while though. Why don't you try praying the Psalms?

    Take care.
