Saturday 25 February 2012

Time Keeps On Ticking

It really has been too long since I was here... so long, in fact, that I forgot my login name and password!!

I am in College full time and have already made it through one semester and came out with a 4.0 gpa. I'm okay with that :) This semester is going okay, except for the one class that I just can't get in to, mostly due to the monotone teacher. My classmates are amazing, and I'm SOOO supposed to be a part of their group. God's timing, for sure.

My not-ex-yet moved back to Saskatchewan at the end of January. The kids are doing okay, but it's still a change that they must get used to.

Physically, I still need to lose weight, but I have almost completely stopped eating for emotional reasons, so that is a start. My thyroid is still not quite up to par, but we're working on it.

Emotionally, this has been a roller coaster week and I have been working through some stuff from the past, connecting feelings with behaviors and the like. It's a sometimes tough road, but I know it will be worth it in the end.

Mentally, I'm good. Great actually. I am really enjoying all the things I am learning in class and I feel like my brain has doubled in size since I started back to College. I know what I need to do, but for some reason, procrastination still likes to take over. It's a work in progress, for sure.

Spiritually, it's a battle, to be honest. I haven't had a home church for so long now and it is often difficult to even think about the church life I used to have. It was a central part of who I was, and I'm still trying to find my way without it. I haven't been reading my Bible, and my prayers are short and simple. I know that God knows my heart, but I am really not making much effort these days. I want that to change, and I look forward to a new church when I finally move out of here.

There's my holistic check-in for ya! :)

Take care and hope to talk soon!