Tuesday 23 August 2011

Now = Crazy!!

I'm gonna have to come clean and be honest with someone...

Things are super crazy and busy right now.  I should be doing more than I am, but I find myself not able to do what I need to.

I have one chapter and one big paper left to finish for the course I am taking.  I need to have it done by September 5th, because the next day I start College - and I obviously can't be doing both at once.  So, that gives me 1.5 weeks to get it done.  Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal... then comes the monkey wrench... We are moving into a different house on September 1st.  That means I have to pack and unpack while trying to finish up my course.


I also have appointments and engagements during this time period.  I am meeting with the Social Services lady tomorrow to get assistance from them because the funding I am receiving from the Government isn't enough to live on.  Also this week: my daughter has a dental appointment, we are taking the kids to the fair in the town an hour away, and I have to get them ready for back to school (it starts next Tuesday). 

How in the world am I gonna get all this accomplished??!!  My Mom is around and helps out as much as possible, but she also works more than full time hours at her job.

On top of it all, I really don't feel emotionally well.  I haven't had an appointment with my counselor for about a month, I've been trying to do it on my own.  For the most part, that works.  I have come a long way, and I have a best friend who helps me though everything.  I like my counselor because she is an outside source to all that is going on.  I feel like I can vent to her, get fresh perspective, take what I want and leave what I don't.  There are times I come out of her office more messed up than when I went in, but she is helpful.

Anyway, that's where I am in a nutshell.  Hope all is well with all of you!!  <3

Monday 1 August 2011

Summer and Fall

The kids had their first overnight with their Dad over the weekend.  The were both apprehensive about it at first, but they both did really well and are looking forward to their next one.  They each have their own rooms at his place, so that helps.

I had a night alone!  It was nice to be able to do whatever I wanted.  I cleaned up first, then had a long bubble bath.  Then, I watched movies, ate nachos, had a smoothie, and did laundry  in there somewhere!  I went for coffee at 10pm, which was strange because I rarely get to leave the house after 9, and the kids are always with me.

I really do want the visits to work out.  I want the schedule to work, everything run smoothly, and things just work great. 

This fall is going to be different for sure.  I am going to be in College full time taking Social Services Worker, and the kids will be gone every second weekend.  On those weekends, I will get them out to school Thursday morning, and not see them again until Monday after school.  I've never been away from them that long, and definitely not that often.  It's gonna be strange.  Probably difficult for the first little bit, but as long as it runs smoothly, then I'm okay with that.

Emotionally I am doing okay.  I've had some breakthroughs and realizations which have helped me significantly.  I still see my counsellor once every two weeks, but I am anticipating that will stop once fall comes since I will be in school during the day, every day.  I guess I'll wait and see how that works out.

My biggest need right now is a car.  I haven't had one for over a year, and I'm thinking it's time I get one.  It will be especially needed since I will be in school, getting to and from is pretty important!  It's not that far to walk, but in the bitter cold, I am thinking walking will not be an option.  Plus, I'll need to pick up my daughter from school since she is too told to take the bus.  Again, guess I'll wait and see how that works out.

That's all for now!! I gotta get back at the Philosophy stuff!!