Saturday 16 July 2011


Hi Friends,

Things have been going okay, pretty good if you consider all the changes that have been going on.

The kids are now seeing their father UNsupervised.  The first time, I admit, was more than scary, but everything worked out.

I really wish I would keep this space up to date more and express my feelings about the things that are happening...

Anyway...  Visits have been going well.  I have had to set my boundaries a few times with the soon-to-be ex, but it's smoothing out.  

That's all for now.  Gotta go meet my daughter!


  1. Good to finally hear from you again.
    Glad to hear that things seem to be settling for you.
    Take care

  2. Good to hear from you, but don't worry about writing posts. If it is helpful and you feel up to it and have the time write then. Don't let the blog become something that you have to do.

    I'm glad that you seem to be settling into your changing world.

    Take care of yourself
